William Ickes
- Media Contact
The main focus of our research in the Social Interaction Laboratory at the University of Texas at Arlington is the study of naturally occurring social interaction. For the past several years, we have studied empathic accuracy ("everyday mind reading") and other aspects of intersubjective social cognition. For a summary of this research, see:
Ickes, W. (2003). Everyday mind reading: Understanding what other people think and feel. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books.
In the decade from 1975-1985, our work focused primarily on personality influences on social behavior. In this research, we used the unstructured dyadic interaction paradigm to study the influences of birth order, gender roles, and various personality traits on naturally occurring social interaction. Some of our current research continues this focus on how personality shapes our encounters with others. For a summary of this research, see:
Ickes, W. (2009). Strangers in a strange lab: How personality shapes our initial encounters with others. New York: Oxford University Press.
For a list of my academic honors and awards, see the Wikipedia entry for William Ickes (section on Academic honors and awards).
Primary Interests:
- Close Relationships
- Culture and Ethnicity
- Gender Psychology
- Interpersonal Processes
- Neuroscience, Psychophysiology
- Person Perception
- Personality, Individual Differences
- Research Methods, Assessment
- Social Cognition
Research Group or Laboratory:
- Decety, J., & Ickes, W. (Eds.). (2009). The social neuroscience of empathy. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- Ickes, W. (2009). Strangers in a strange lab: How personality shapes our initial encounters with others. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Ickes, W. (2003). Everyday mind reading: Understanding what other people think and feel. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books.
- Ickes, W. (Ed.). (1997). Empathic accuracy. New York: Guilford Press.
Journal Articles:
- Cuperman, R., & Ickes, W. (2009). Big Five predictors of behavior and perceptions in initial dyadic interactions: Personality similarity helps extraverts and introverts, but hurts “disagreeables.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 97, 667-684.
- Gleason, K. A., Jensen-Campbell, L. A., & Ickes, W. (2009). The role of empathic accuracy in adolescents’ peer relations and adjustment. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 35, 997-1011.
- Holloway, R. A., Waldrip, A. M., & Ickes, W. (2009). Evidence that a simpático self-schema accounts for differences in the self-concepts and social behavior of Latinos versus Whites (and Blacks). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 96, 112-128.
- Ickes, W., Gesn, P. R., & Graham, T. (2000). Gender differences in empathic accuracy: Differential ability or differential motivation? Personal Relationships, 7, 95-109.
- Schweinle, W., & Ickes, W. (2007). The role of men’s critical/rejecting overattribution bias, affect, and attentional disengagement in marital aggression. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 26, 173-198.
- Simpson, J. A., Ickes, W., & Blackstone, T. (1995). When the head protects the heart: Empathic accuracy in dating relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 69, 629-641.
- Simpson, J. A., Orina, M., & Ickes, W. (2003). When accuracy hurts, and when it helps: A test of the empathic accuracy model in marital interactions. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Other Publications:
- Ickes, W. (2001). Measuring empathic accuracy. In J. A. Hall & F. J. Bernieri (Eds.), Interpersonal sensitivity: Theory and measurement (pp. 219-241). Mahwah, N.J.: Erlbaum.
- Ickes, W., Bissonnette, V., Garcia, S., & Stinson, L. (1990). Implementing and using the dyadic interaction paradigm. In C. Hendrick & M. Clark (Eds.), Review of Personality and Social Psychology: Volume 11, Research Methods in Personality and Social Psychology (pp. 16-44). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
- Ickes, W., & Simpson, J. (2000). Motivational aspects of empathic accuracy. In G. J. O. Fletcher & M. S. Clark (Eds.), Interpersonal processes: Blackwell handbook in social psychology (pp. 229-249). Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
- Marangoni, C., Garcia, S., Ickes, W., & Teng, G. (1995). Empathic accuracy in a clinically relevant setting. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 68, 854-869.
William Ickes
Department of Psychology
Room 313 Life Science Bldg., Box 19528
University of Texas at Arlington
Arlington, Texas 76019-0528
United States of America
- Phone: (817) 272-3229
- Fax: (817) 272-2364